About me and my team

My fascination - your benefit

Much has changed in the world of photography since my childhood when I first saw a picture appear in a developing tray. Our family bathroom was temporarily transformed into a darkroom, the light was hazy and red. My father was energetic and cheerful, but a feeling of suspense hung in the air. Slowly, almost magically, the image emerged.

Although I’ve left the sheltered confines of the darkroom behind me, I’ve always retained that thrilling feeling of being part of something mysterious.

It is photography’s relationship with time and reality that makes it so extraordinary. Capturing something for ‘eternity’ demands being totally present in the moment, not letting yourself be distracted by your surroundings. A split second of reality is brought to a standstill—safeguarded.

Margareta Svensson-over mij

Photo: Josefina Eikenaar

But then what is reality? In my case, reality needs to be shaped or in any event altered. My passion is creating a momentary reality and in turn this constantly motivates me to learn new things and come up with innovative solutions.

Cultural heritage is connected to time and reality in a different way. Objects are frequently removed from their original settings and end up on their own. Meticulously preserved and displayed by cultural institutions so they can be admired. But much more exciting is the fact that these objects offer an opportunity to have contact with the past, if only for a fleeting moment.

But how does my fascination with photography actually benefit you as a client? Because of how engaged I am in my field and with cultural heritage, I constantly strive for an optimum result. Your wishes and my solutions can lead to something beautiful.


Lifelong learning is required in an ever-changing field and, fortunately, I love to do this! In addition to my education in photography and in cultural studies, I still frequent related courses and workshops. I like to take advantage of every chance I get to learn new skills.

Open University of the Netherlands, Arts & Cultural Studies

Master of Arts 2013
Thesis: Esthetisch genot en historische sensaties, bouwstenen voor nationale trots – Debatten en initiatieven rond de oprichting van een nationaal historisch museum in de periode 1918-1939
(Esthetical pleasure and historical sensations, materials of national pride. Debates and initiatives concerning the foundation of a National Historical Museum in the Netherlands, 1918-1939)
Bachelor of Arts 2007
Thesis: Solidariteit in een pluralistische democratische samenleving – Een literatuurstudie naar Jürgen Habermas.
(Solidarity in a pluralist democratic society – researching the literature of Jürgen Habermas)

Gothenburg University, Sweden, School of Photography

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography, 1989
Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam
Photography, Exchange Programme 1987-1988

Some courses and workshops that were both useful and inspirational:

Stichting Nederlands Instituut Digitale Fotografie (NIDF), Haarlem
Complete digital photography training, panorama photography, colour management, camera technology and photo editing at the Dutch Institute for Digital Photography.
Lightroom and camera technology at Calumet Photographic in Amsterdam.

Over mijn opleiding
Over mij en het team

We achieve more together

Self-employed doesn’t mean you must do everything yourself. Thanks to a wonderful team of enthusiastic and talented individuals, I’m able to successfully accomplish my objectives. We also continually inspire each other to achieve even better results.

This is my motivated team during an outing to Museum Voorlinden in Wassenaar 2020.

From left to right: Lorraine Miller (English translator), Ymer Marinus, (photo editor & assistant), Rietje Grit (inspiration par excellence & text editor), Dominique van Loosdrecht (location assistant). Laura Grimm (photo editor & assistant) and me.

Missing from the photo: Thekla Kneijnsberg (model & ‘grip/rigger’) Sigrun Spaans (Dutch text editor) and Maria Svensson (Swedish texts).

My thanks go out to all of them for their invaluable support!